However, the tectonic plates of the search engine market could be set for a jolt when Bing and Yahoo finally combine. The seismic effect perhaps won’t completely usurp Google’s position, but some SEO focus must surely be demanded by this newly combined player.
Bing SEO Analysis
This topic is discussed in more detail in an interview Web Pro News has conducted with Janet Driscoll Miller of Search Mojo who actually spoke about the whole Google SEO vs. Bing SEO subject at SMX Advanced.
Ms. Miller describes a number of similarities and differences between Bing’s approach and other market players – one such nugget (actually from a talk that Rand Fishkin from Seomoz gave) is the idea that Bing seems to prefer multiple links from multiple domains more than multiple links from a smaller number of domains. Certainly something to keep in mind.
Another topic broached was the idea of the actual quality of the traffic supplied by Bing. Ms. Miller had an example of a software company who actually found that in terms of ‘pages visited’, ‘time on site’ and ‘bounce rate’, visitors from Bing’s organic results actually considerably outperformed their Google counterparts.
The video of the interview is embedded below and is well worth 5 minutes of your day, it shows that people need not live exclusively in a ‘SEO means Google’ world. In fact with the mega-search-merger of Yahoo and Bing on the horizon people continuing to gaze at a narrowed section of the market may find themselves playing catch-up.
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