Black Hat SEO Techniques

If seo start performing on your website. Don’t think your ranking is going to improve drastically overnight, because it won’t! Search engine optimization is a long painful process that shows the webmasters dedication to promoting his website, the website that has had the most work will prevail at the top of Google. All I am doing is advising you on some do’s and don’ts of SEO. Are you someone that has started out on an internet venture, got his website indexed in Google, performed some basic SEO and then give up because his website ranked poorly. You probably started on a new website? That is an example of the common internet entrepreneur who wants to get rich overnight. It is not going to happen.

Black Hat Hackers (also called "crackers"), are hackers who specialize in unauthorized penetration. They may use computers to attack systems for profit, for fun, or for political motivations or as a part of a social cause. Such penetration often involves modification and/or erasing of data, and is done without authorization and hence they should not be confused with “ethical hackers” (see white hat hacker).

In recent years, the terms black hat and white hat have been applied to the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) industry. Black hat SEO tactics, also called Spamdexing, attempt to redirect search results to particular target pages in a fashion that is against the search engines’ terms of service, whereas white hat methods are generally approved by the search engines.

The top five black hat techniques are mentioned below

Black Hat Technique

Top of our list of black hat SEO techniques is hidden content. Hidden content comes in many guises but the basic principle is that within the code for the site there will be content stuffed with keywords, this content will not be visible to the end user of the site.

One way of doing this is by using comment tags.

The real purpose of comment tags is for developers to add in useful reminders within their code explaining what that piece of code does.

Another popular way of hiding content is the use of the <noscript> tag. The <noscript> tag should be used to inform a user that a script is being used but their browser either doesn’t support the script

language used or they have that function turned off. Content can also be hidden from the end user by using CSS, excessively small text and colored text on the same colored background. All of these techniques are frowned upon by search engines and if detected can mean your website will be penalised or even banned. To the untrained eye it can be very difficult to spot the use of some of these techniques which is why we offer a free website MOT test at Push ON.

Meta Keyword Stuffing

There are two Meta tags that are generally used to inform search engines of the content on the page. They reside between the <head> tag of a page and when used incorrectly they can alert a search engine that a site is using spam techniques in an attempt to improve its ranking.
Meta Description.The Meta description should be used to describe the content of your page honestly and concisely and be 1 or 2 sentences, 3 at most.

Meta Keywords

Meta Keywords should be a short list of words that inform of the main focus of the page. Meta keywords have been so misused in the past that there are few if any search engines that take any heed of them

Doorway or Gateway Pages

Doorway or Gateway pages are pages designed for search engines and not for the end user. They are basically fake pages that are stuffed with content and highly optimized for 1 or 2 keywords that link to a target or landing page. The end user never sees these pages because they are automatically redirected to the target page.Off-the-shelf SEO software often encourages the use of gateway pages as do SEO firms that don’t know what they’re talking about. Search engine spiders are being enhanced continually to detect these pages and will get ignored or worse still, flag your site up as being spam and ban you all together.

Link Farming

In the real world if you were to build your house in a bad neighbor hood then your house would be affected by its surroundings. The same is true of the virtual world. Link farms or free for all (FFA) pages have no other purposes than to list links of unrelated websites. They won’t provide you with any traffic and you run the risk of having your site banned for participating. Don’t participate in link farming.